Lift Accessories

Pontoon 4-Bunk Rack

Pontoon 4-Bunk Rack
Use the RYCO Pontoon 4-Bunk Rack when lifting under the pontoon logs is recommended. The combination of the 4-Bunk Rack and Horizontal Side Guides enables the ultimate loading system for pontoons and tritoon style boats. The even distribution of weight across the RYCO vinyl covered bunk system is far superior to the competition and comes in at a fraction of the cost. Add an optional motorstop with this combination to finish the final setup, and you are for sure to have the taylored setup adjusted precisely to your specific boat.  As always the RYCO 4-Bunk Rack and guide system is all made with marine grade aluminum, vinyl bunk material, and specific stainless steel hardware to resist corrosion. The part number to order this complete kit to fit a RYCO 5K, 6K, and 8K capacity boat lift is: RYCO 91263K-HC

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